​Payment mandates

​A payme​nt mandate is an agreement between a payer and the payer's bank which specifies that bills from a respective payee should be paid automatically on the due date, up to a maximum monthly limit.

As a prerequisite to using AvtaleGiro, a payer must have an agreement with their own bank for use of the service. On payment accounts, this is often included as part of the general bank account agreement.

Once the general AvtaleGiro agreement is in place, a payer can create one or more payment mandates, each of which is an agreement between the payer and the payer’s bank to automatically pay recurring bills to a specific payee on the due date. Mandates can only be registered in connection with payees that offer AvtaleGiro. Mandates include the following information:

  • ​KID – identifies the payer/payee relationship
  • Payer’s account number
  • Payee’s account number
  • Amount limit – the maximum amount per month which will be automatically paid to the specific payee connected to the mandate. This limit is set by the payer and is considered private information; it is not shared with the payee
  • Notification setting – The payer specifies if they would like to be notified each time a new payment is scheduled

Mandate initiation

Payment mandates can be initiated in several ways:

  • ​The payer can register a mandate in their online bank using suggestions from the bank which are based on historic payments
  • The payer can use Mastercard Payment Services’ suggestions at https://pvu.avtalegiro.no/pvu-suggestions/avtalegiro. Suggestions are based on historic payments and are not available for all banks
  • If the payee offers Mastercard Payment Services' E-Agreement service, the payee can send the payer to Mastercard Payment Services’ web-based onboarding solution. This solution requires the payer to authenticate using BankID, and is generally linked from the “my account” area of the payee’s website
  • A paper or PDF coupon which is provided by the payee can be filled out by the payer and returned. The payee will then forward the slip to Mastercard Payment Services for processing, either by regular post or electronically via SFTP. Paper/PDF coupons have the following requirements:
    • KID
    • Payee name
    • Payee account number
    • Payer account number
    • Amount limit
    • Notification preference (yes/no)
    • Must be in portrait layout with all information on one page​

Mandate cancellation and updates

Payment mandates can be cancelled or changed in the payer’s online bank or by contacting the bank directly. The payer may change the account from which payments are made, the amount limit, and the notification setting.

Communication of mandates to the payee

To know which payers should be billed using AvtaleGiro, the payee must receive, store, and use a list of mandates specifying the payers’ intentions. The mandates within these lists include the KID (so that the payee can identify the payer and set his/her billing preferences in the payee’s ERP system) and the payer’s notification preferen​c​e​ (more information on notifications is available in the section Notification to payers of upcoming payment).​

Mandate list via OCR

It is common to receive AvtaleGiro mandate lists as a part of OCR files (OCR is a reconciliation service provided by Mastercard Payment Services: ocrgiro​). The lists contain new, cancelled, and updated mandates. Besides new and cancelled mandates, the ​only possible mandate update a payee will receive is a change in notification preference. The schedule for mandate list delivery can be specified by the payee in the AvtaleGiro service agreement. For most payees, it is recommended that these lists are received daily in order to ensure the payers’ preferences are updated quickly and fulfilled appropriately. When daily delivery is selected, data may be submitted in the morning, interim 2, interim 3, or final settlement run. If a schedule other than daily is selected, data will always be sent in the final settlement run.

For information on the format used to deliver AvtaleGiro mandates via OCR, see OCR specification for mandates.

Full mandate list

If required, the payee may order a complete extract of all their respective payment mandates. This list can be ordered from Mastercard Payment Services, and the result can be attached to an e-mail or sent in a file. There is a fee for this service, and it is recommended that the order be placed well in advance of the required delivery date, contacting Customer Service for the agreed time of delivery if necessary.


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